

冰球突破的儿科治疗团队提供创新和卓越的职业治疗, physical and speech therapy. Our child and family focused team provides comprehensive evaluations and ongoing therapy to children of all ages to enhance and restore function and mobility; and to encourage independence at home, school and in the community. 该团队努力通过以游戏为基础的活动,让孩子们学会移动,使技能的发展变得有趣, communicate and interact with their environments in a meaningful and natural manner. We offer a strong collaborative team approach with treatment and consultation to homes, schools and community programs.

纽约医院 in 南伯威克
波特兰街57号reet, 南伯威克, ME 03908.
电话: (207) 384-7260

127 长金沙 Road, Suite 6A, in the 长金沙 Plaza, 约克,缅因州03909​
电话: (207) 351-2018

Call our 南伯威克 team for questions and scheduling at (207) 384-7260.


Karen is passionate about working with children of all ages! She has been a pediatric Physical Therapist for almost 30 years. 她是美国物理治疗协会(APTA) PT专业委员会认可的儿科PT临床专家, 自1994年以来. She recently completed her clinical doctor in pediatric physical therapy, with a specialty concentration in pediatrics, from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions. 以前, 她获得了PT学士学位和PT高级临床硕士学位(儿科/神经病学专业)。.

Karen一直是APTA的活跃成员,目前正在与领导一起制定评估和治疗婴儿斜颈的临床指南. 2011-2012年,她是美国PT专业委员会专家认证考试团队的作家. In addition to being a part of the Pediatric 康复中心 team, Karen is the core faculty member at the UNH LEND program, 在那里她训练研究生成为神经发育障碍领域的领导者并且是他们海岸发育诊所团队的一员. She also guest lectures at local colleges and universities in Maine and 新汉普郡; and for the Maine APTA, as well as hosting graduate and undergraduate students. She is NDT (neurodevelopmental treatment) certified, and has extensive experience in designing and implementing orthotics, mobility and seating for children, PT in the aquatic setting, 辅助技术, evidence-based evaluation and treatment of 斜颈 and 斜头畸形, kinesiotaping, and comprehensive motor function assessments and treatments.

Karen is passionate about providing family-centered, 综合儿科治疗服务,使家庭和儿童能够将治疗融入他们的日常生活, respecting their individual priorities and preferences. Helping kids to enjoy movement and play is her goal, 她非常感谢与南贝里克冰球突破的团队合作.

Kirsten Bertiaume is a Pediatric Physical Therapist that has worked in pediatrics for 21 years. She has worked in a variety of pediatric settings, including Crotched Mountain 康复中心 Center; Connecticut Children’s Medical Center; Shriners Hospital for Children gait laboratory; Portsmouth Hospital and currently at 纽约医院 in 南伯威克. She has experience treating a multitude of diagnoses including: 脑瘫, 唐氏综合症, 自闭症谱系障碍, 脊柱裂, 张力减退, 发育迟缓, 骨科手术后, 斜颈, 斜头畸形, adaptive equipment assessment, 步态分析.

Caitlin grew up in the small town of North Haven, CT and completed her education in the nearby town of Hamden to stay close to her family. 她在昆尼皮亚克大学(Quinnipiac University)获得健康科学本科学位,并获得职业治疗硕士学位, which she received in fall of 2015. She enjoys live music, hiking, photography, and spending time with her two cats.

她在QU的时候, 通过她的实地工作经历,凯特琳有机会在各种各样的环境中接受培训, 包括心理健康, 急症护理, 职业培训, 专业护理, neuro-rehabilitation and sensory integration. 她最初打算成为一名职业治疗师,以便为患有神经系统疾病的客户提供服务, 但在完成一次儿科实地考察后,她发现了自己对与儿童一起工作的热情. 凯特琳真的很喜欢做一名儿科治疗师,因为她可以在享受乐趣的同时改变孩子们的生活! 她将激励和创造性的活动融入到她的干预中,使孩子的体验愉快,同时确保每个任务都适合孩子的特定优势和需求. Caitlin treats children with varying diagnoses including 自闭症 spectrum disorder, 发育迟缓, 多动症/添加, 感觉处理 disorder, and other neurological conditions. 她认为,从整体角度看待孩子是理解多种因素如何影响行为的关键, 游戏的技能, 以及学习能力.

凯特琳在国家职业治疗认证委员会注册,并获得在康涅狄格州从事职业治疗的许可, 新汉普郡, 和缅因州.

托比K. -卡特米尔科/ L
托比 is a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant. She has been a COTA for 14 years with 纽约医院. 托比 received her AS degree from North Shore Community College in 1997. 以前 she earned her BS in Administration from the University of 新汉普郡. 托比 is passionate about working with children of all ages. She has experience with early intervention, 校本治疗, 感觉处理, and fine and gross motor skill development. 托比, along with her Pediatric team, provides family-centered therapeutic services to assist with the enrichment of the child.
艾琳·埃斯蒂斯女士,cc - slp

2013年从新英格兰大学毕业后,凯尔西·古德温加入了冰球突破. While training to be an Occupational Therapist, she provided in-home care to children with 自闭症, 注意力缺陷多动症, 还有脑瘫. Kelsey started working in Pediatric Occupational Therapy immediately upon graduation, providing comprehensive evaluations and care plans for children with Autism, 注意力缺陷多动症, 焦虑, Rett综合症, 全球的延迟, 冲动障碍, 脑瘫, 失用症, and 感觉处理 disorder. 她为每个孩子的感官处理需求提供了个性化的视角,以发展安全和健康的游戏技能. Kelsey在行为和感觉处理以及如何使用行为作为洞察感觉处理需求方面提供了独特的视角.


希拉里是一名儿科物理治疗师,自2015年在UNE获得物理治疗博士学位以来,她一直与各种年龄和能力的儿童和家庭合作. She was also a fellow in the NH LEND program, 为改善神经发育障碍儿童的生活而培养领导者的是什么. Prior to working at 纽约医院, 希拉里在学校为有重大医疗和治疗需求的儿童担任理疗师. Hillary has experience working with medically complex children, children with diagnoses to include but not limited to:  脑瘫, 唐氏综合症, 斜头畸形 and 斜颈, 自闭症, 发育迟缓, 脚趾行走, 脊柱裂. She also has experience treating in the aquatic setting and adaptive equipment assessment.

Hillary’s greatest passion is forming relationships with children and families, ensuring parents and caregivers are actively involved in determining their child’s care. She loves collaborating with the rest of the YH pediatric therapy team!

杰奎琳·利普斯基硕士CCC/SLP就读于纽约州罗切斯特拿撒勒学院,在那里她获得了B.S. in Communication Science and Disorders in 2002 and the Student 领导 Award in 2003. At the University of 新汉普郡, she received a M.S. in Communication Science and Disorders, 大学教学研究生证书和MCH-LEND(特殊需要儿童的领导和培训)研究生证书. Jackie holds national certification through the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA). Prior work experience as an SLP includes early intervention, 集成的学前教育, 头开始, special needs classroom as well as school experience pre-kindergarten through 8th grade. Recent continuing education include Hanen: It takes Two to Talk; Hanen: More than Words; Baby Signs: Independent Certified Instructor, 口腔运动与喂养, Oral Language and Apraxia.
史黛西·帕里西女士,cc - slp

Stacy于2002年毕业于东北大学,此后一直在儿科执业. 她是一名认证的早期干预专家,与出生到3岁的患者打交道.  She also has experience working in the both the public school and outpatient therapy settings. 史黛西的工作是治疗从出生到13岁的儿童,她的诊断经验包括:自闭症, 失用症, 清晰度, language disorders and 全球的延迟. Stacy接受过PROMPT(重组口腔肌肉语音目标的提示)和社交思维方面的训练,并发展了社交语言和游戏小组.